What to Know About Red Kratom

There are many different varieties of kratom. Customers can choose from gold vein kratom, green vein kratom, white vein kratom, yellow vein kratom, and red vein kratom. Of all of those types, red vein kratom is one of the most popular. We believe that everyone’s relationship with and preferences for kratom are matters of personal […]

Why Powder is the Best Form of Kratom

Why kratom powder is the best type of kratom

Throughout its long history in some parts of the world where it grows naturally, kratom has often been found either as fresh leaves or dried leaves. If you don’t have access to your own kratom tree, though, it’s not likely that you’ll be getting whole-leaf kratom any time soon. Furthermore, just for the sake of […]

Mitragynine: What Is the Active Ingredient in Kratom?

By now, you’ve heard about kratom. These leaves from the mitragyna speciosa tree have a long history in Southeast Asia, but this plant has really been skyrocketing in popularity in the United States recently. Much of the reason kratom is such a hot topic is because of the two alkaloids mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine. Kratom Alkaloids: […]

Different Types of Kratom and Their Effects

If you’re new to kratom, also called Mitragyna Speciosa, you may be wondering why there are so many different varieties. The different types of kratom are generally put into categories depending on the color of the veins in their leaves. Some people say that the different types of kratom all have different sets of alkaloids, […]

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